Lee, Seokho
Ph.D Student in Statistics, Texas A&M University

Office : 408 Blocker Building

Phone : (979) 845-9447
Address : Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840-3143, USA


STAT 211

Texas A&M Univesity, Statistics (2005~  , Ph.D)
Seoul National University, Statistics (2000~2002, Ph.D coursework is completed)
Seoul National University, Statistics (1998~2000, MS)
Seoul National University, Computer Science and Statistics (1994~1998, BS)

EXPERIENCES Researcher  : SNUBI (2004)
- Micorarray data manipulation, storage and statistical analysis (especially oligonucleotide DNA array)
- Statistical modeling about genetic issues
Consultant : Statistical Consulting Center in School of Medicine, Seoul National University (1999~2001)
- Statistical consulting and modeling about medical problems

Principle of Statistics I (STAT211, Spring 2005, TA) in TAMU
Elementary Statistics (several semesters, TA) in SNU
Linear Regression (two semesters, TA) in SNU
Elementary Biostatistics (two semesters, TA) in SNU
Categorical Data Analysis (one semester, TA) in SNU
Generalized Linear Models (Lecturer) in S-Link (statistical software development company in Korea)
Elementary Biostatistics and epidemiology (Fall 2004, Lecuturer) in University of Seoul

Biomedical Informatics :
- Biomedical data analysis and statistical modeling, especially gene expression data relating to cancer prognosis
Statistics :
- Statistical methodology and modeling, especially by using likelihood
- History of Statistics
- Foundation in Statistics (, that is my ultimate purpose)

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