Xperanto is a web-based integrated system for
microarray data management and analysis, which is aimed at storing
well annotated data in accordance with
Research background
DNA microarray is a representative of high-throughput biomedical
technologies that allow monitoring of gene expression for thousands
of genes in parallel. DNA microarray experiment generates enormous
amounts of data and they are meaningful only in the context of a
detailed description of microarrays, biomaterials, and conditions
under which they were generated. As microarrays are increasingly
used in a variety of biomedical research, the systematic management
of diverse and large amount of gene expression data has received
much attention. In particular, structured data storage and use of
controlled terms with a well-being meaning are important for easy
access and efficient use of the data.
procedure and data format of DNA microarray
figure from Nat. Genet. 21:10-14 (1999) and 29:365-71 (2001)
With the growing needs of data sharing, Microarray Gene Expression
Data (MGED) society has established common standards for microarray
data. MIAME (Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment) is a
data annotation standard to specify the minimum information that
should be reported about a microarray experiment. MAGE (MicroArray
Gene Expression) standards – an object model (MAGE-OM) and an XML
based language (MAGE-ML) – have been developed for the
representation of microarray expression data, facilitating the
exchange of microarray information between different systems. MGED
Ontology group defines sets of common terms and annotation rules for
microarray experiments. Although there are a number of microarray
databases in existence, it is not easy to find the database meeting
the specialized requirements of individual institutions or groups
for local data archiving, analysis and sharing. The complexity of
microarray data requires an integrated environment that does much of
the data storage, visualization, analysis, and transfer. Based on
this, we present Xperanto, meaning eXpressionist¨s Esperanto in XML,
which is a microarray information system for microarray studies.

A schematic representation of six
components of a microarray experiment
figure from Nat. Genet. 29:365-71 (2001)

Relationships among
the different MGED initiatives
figure from Nat. Genet. 32:469-473 (2002)
- User interface
Xperanto provides easy use for researchers by modeling a natural
workflow in the microarray experiment. It also aims at
encouraging more complete and accurate recordings with the
structured data entry system such as drop-down lists of the MGED
Ontology terms. Submissions are validated syntactically so that
the records are organized correctly. The experimental data and
their biological and statistical context are intra-linked on the
system, thereby increasing the accessibility to the associated
records. To accept various types of quantitative data from
image-analysis programs, utility programs are available for
modifying their format in system-defined way.
- Efficient data storage and management
Workflows that
lead up to a hybridized microarray
represent physical things, diamonds represent events, and
rounded rectangles represent methods.)
- Xperanto-CGH
The mechanism of cancer
progression involves chromosomal aberrations, including deletion
of tumor suppressor genes and amplification of oncogenes.
Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH)
is uniquely well suited for high-resolution detection of DNA
copy number aberrations.
Xperanto-CGH is an integrated system for array CGH data
management and analysis.
Data storage
system for DNA microarray, array CGH, and tissue microarray
- Xperanto-SNP
We developed Xperanto-SNP for integrated data management and
analysis using user-friendly web-based interface. Xperanto-SNP
provides an integrated environment for management and analysis
by linking the computational tools and rich sources of
biological annotation to get meaningful knowledge. Xperanto-SNP
enables a fast and efficient management of vast amounts of data,
and serves as a communication channel among multiple researchers
within an emerging interdisciplinary field.
SNP chip data