In 1997 , none
In, 1998
The human genetic variation (abstract): oligonucleotide chips and human disease
David R. Cox full text
In 1999
Clustering gene expression patterns Amir Ben-Dor,
Zohar Yakhini Pages: 33 - 42 > full text
An algorithm for clustering cDNAs for gene expression analysis
Erez Hartuv, Armin Schmitt, Jörg Lange, Sebastian Meier-Ewert, Hans Lehrach, Ron Shamir
Pages: 188 - 197 > full text
In 2000
Tissue classification with gene expression profiles
Amir Ben-Dor, Laurakay Bruhn, Nir Friedman, Iftach Nachman, Michèl Schummer, Zohar Yakhini
Pages: 54 - 64 > full text
Using Bayesian networks to analyze expression data
Nir Friedman, Michal Linial, Iftach Nachman, Dana Pe'er
Pages: 127 - 135 > full text
Class prediction and discovery using gene expression data
Donna K. Slonim, Pablo Tamayo, Jill P. Mesirov, Todd R. Golub, Eric S. Lander
Pages: 263 - 272 > full text
In 2001
Context-specific Bayesian clustering for gene expression data
Yoseph Barash, Nir Friedman
Pages: 12 - 21 > full text
Class discovery in gene expression data
Amir Ben-Dor, Nir Friedman, Zohar Yakhini
Pages: 31 - 38 > full text
Regulatory element detection using correlation with expression (abstract only)
Harmen J. Bussemaker, Hao Li, Eric D. Siggia
Page: 86 > full text
Analysis techniques for microarray time-series data
Vladmir Filkov, Steven Skiena, Jizu Zhi
Pages: 124 - 131 > full text
Gene functional classification from heterogeneous data
Paul Pavlidis, Jason Weston, Jinsong Cai, William Noble Grundy
Pages: 249 - 255 > full text