The Webaholics Page is authored and maintained by
Click on my name to load my homepage.
I am a member of the HTML Writers Guild.
The Webaholics page has been noted in:
Riot in your mind's HOT SPOT for January 31, 1996.
AdZe's Cosmic Site of the Nite on January 27, 1996.
Newsweek, Dec. 18 1995, p60
The top 100 web sites in Computer Life Magazine, November, 1995
Pirate Petes Pick of the Web PPPoWWW, Nov 19, '95.
The November edition of Wave magazine.
Web Review's
Finlands only nation-wide newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat on August 5th, 1995
Hotwired's Net Surf on August 3rd, 1995 - (Woo Woo!)
Internet World Magazine's Hot Spots (April '95 issue),
and Stop and Smell the Roses (May '95 issue),
MacUser Magazine's Feature Sidebar Off the beaten track (May '95 issue),
Popular Science's Cyber-Weirdness (June '95 issue),
Spider's Pick of the Day on November 21, 1994,
Cool site of the Day back in October of '94,
Funky site of the Day on April 3, 1995,
Net Personalities, a list of famous people on the Web,
The Seerees of the Web as a Vison of the Day and as
Riddler's Choice a Web based quiz game the Webaholics page was in.